Wet Flies

Wet Flies

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What are you wet fly models ?

We offer over 35 wet fly models, here are some examples: Adams, Alexandra, Black Gnat, Black Zulu, Blue Dun, Brown Hackle, Cahill Light, Coachman, Fiset, Grizzly King, Jock Scott, King of Waters, Laurentide Park, March Brown, McGinty, Mickey Finn, Montreal Dark, Montmorency, Mosquito, Par Belle, Professor, Red Ibis, Royal Coachman, Western Bee, Queens of Waters, Silver Doctor, White Miller, Joliette Hopper and 13A.

What hook sizes are your wet flies available ?

The hook sizes of our wet flies may change from one model to the other. They are offered in sizes 8,10 and 12.

What species can I fish with a wet fly ?

Normally, it’s popular to use wet flies to fish for trout and salmon that feed just below the water surface. However, several other freshwater species can be attracted by a wet fly. If the fishing is slow, try a small wet fly and you might be very surprised at the results !

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